Friday, April 30, 2010

Standings Tied!

My bid for 9th.

7 Wayne Hurlbert 964.0 983.0 992.0 996.5 987.0 971.0 5893.5
8 Kayizwan 995.0 977.0 983.5 974.0 966.0 994.0 5889.5
9 The Ixxperience 983.0 999.0 987.0 993.0 949.0 966.0 5877.0
9 The M of CD 974.0 981.0 998.0 998.0 965.0 961.0 5877.0
11 Dash 966.0 966.0 995.5 975.0 991.0 975.0 5868.5
12 Nexy 987.0 990.0 974.0 980.0 960.0 972.0 5863.0

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Top in Artes again.  At least for a little bit.  I have some work to do before I climb up the top10.

8 Kayizwan 993.0 977.0 985.5 975.0 966.0 994.0 5890.5
9 The Ixxperience 984.0 999.0 990.5 997.0 949.0 966.0 5885.5
10 The M of CD 969.0 980.0 998.0 1000.0 965.0 960.0 5872.0
11 Dash 965.0 966.0 990.5 974.0 991.0 975.0 5861.5
12 Nexy 986.0 989.0 974.0 980.0 960.0 972.0 5861.0

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well all good things must come to an end and a full year of collecting this industry has finished.  I have taken Buddhism industry out of penalty and built it up to be sold.  My origional investment including the building portion for 6,429,718 ideas is B$71,424.12 for a total investment of B$459,236,949,998.16 (Billions).  I have sold those ideas for $40,003,228.25 each for a total of B$257,209,476,737,133.50 (Trillions).  Not sure if it was worth it for the time but I'm glad I did it.  I can now say I've saved an industry.

Now to see how many times I can bring the industry up and down.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Top 10!!

I finally made it to the top 10 in the overall standings.

8 Kayizwan 994.0 977.0 987.0 975.0 966.0 994.0 5893.0
9 Wayne Hurlbert 964.0 983.0 987.0 995.5 987.0 971.0 5887.5
10 The M of CD 967.0 980.0 994.5 999.5 965.0 960.0 5866.0
11 Dash 965.0 966.0 994.5 974.0 991.0 975.0 5865.5
12 Nexy 987.0 989.0 974.0 977.0 960.0 972.0 5859.0

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Climbing the Standings

As posted on the blog yesterday I have gone past Nexy for full possession of 11th place.  I'm going to be close to taking 10th over the next few days. 

9 Wayne Hurlbert 965.0 983.0 987.0 996.5 987.0 970.0 5888.5
10 Dash 964.0 966.0 994.5 974.0 991.0 975.0 5864.5
11 The M of CD 966.0 980.0 994.5 996.5 965.0 959.0 5861.0
12 Nexy 987.0 989.0 974.0 977.0 960.0 972.0 5859.0
13 Little Kenny 956.0 990.0 967.0 986.5 951.0 981.0 5831.5

Friday, April 2, 2010


It's taken some time but I'm tied with 11th place.  I should hold 11th by myself after tomorrow.

10 Dash 964.0 966.0 994.5 974.0 991.0 975.0 5864.5
11 Nexy 987.0 989.0 974.0 977.0 960.0 972.0 5859.0
11 The M of CD 966.0 980.0 994.5 996.5 965.0 957.0 5859.0
13 Little Kenny 956.0 990.0 967.0 986.5 951.0 981.0 5831.5
14 °f®ôG²ïë° 989.0 995.0 994.5 991.0 969.0 892.0 5830.5