Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moderation Contest

I've been ignoring other parts of the game lately to focus on the moderation contest. Looks like I'm resigned to finish in 3rd place for the most moderated votes. It still comes with nice prizes so no complaints. With one more day to go Twenty Three is in 1st place with 1508 votes, Moon Dial in 2nd place with 1419 votes and myself a close 3rd with 1204 votes.

I don't know what the standings are for most full screen moderated but I should be close to one of the top three places.

I also stand a pretty good chance at the most votes moderated in a day. Won't give the exact number of course but lets say currently if anyone behind me did all their voting in one day then I think their beat.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I have sole possession of sixth place overall.

Rank Name          Wealth Chips   Ideas  Artifacts Karma Sigma  Total

4 Rene Franco       995.0  997.0   973.0   966.5  995.0  998.0  5924.5
5 R U Serious        980.0  993.0   979.0   981.0  993.0  997.0  5923.0
6 Dorset M            982.0  983.0  1000.0  997.5  976.0  961.0  5899.5
7 Sage Enterprises 999.0  1000.0 983.0   989.0  977.0  950.0  5898.0
8 Wayne Hurlbert  965.0  982.0   987.0   994.0  987.0  971.0  5886.0

Sole possession of tops in ideas too.  Won't last long once players start purchasing my bonds for the new industries.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tied a 6th.

I'm currently tied with Sage Enterprises for 6th place overall.

Rank Name         Wealth Chips Ideas Artifacts Karma Sigma Total

4 Rene Franco         996.0 997.0 973.0 966.5 995.0 998.0 5925.5
5 R U Serious          980.0 993.0 979.0 982.0 993.0 997.0 5924.0
6 Sage Enterprises 999.0 1000.0 983.0 989.0 977.0 950.0 5898.0
6 Dorset M             982.0 983.0 999.5 997.5 975.0 961.0 5898.0
8 Wayne Hurlbert   965.0 982.0 988.0 994.0 987.0 971.0 5887.0
9 Dash                   955.0 979.0 997.5 984.0 991.0 979.0 5885.5

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Name Change

Changed my game name from The M of Cape Dorset to Dorset M. 

Couple of reasons - Needed a change and something shorter.


I'm within one point of taking over sixth spot overall from Blogshares legend Sage Enterprises.

5 R U Serious 980.0 993.0 979.0 982.0 993.0 997.0 5924.0
6 Sage Enterprises 999.0 1000.0 983.0 989.0 977.0 950.0 5898.0
7 The M of C D 982.0 983.0 1000.0 997.5 974.0 961.0 5897.5
8 Wayne Hurlbert 965.0 982.0 988.0 994.0 987.0 971.0 5887.0
9 Dash 954.0 979.0 999.0 983.0 991.0 979.0 5885.0

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Movin' on up.

I made it to 7th place on the overall leaderboard and tops on the idea leaderboard.  Neither will last long because I will be selling off the extra ideas.  I will have to move up the money, sigma and karma boards if I want to keep moving up the overall leaderboard.  At least I'm in the hunt!

5 R U Serious 980.0 993.0 979.0 982.0 993.0 997.0 5924.0
6 Sage Enterprises 1000.0 1000.0 981.5 986.0 977.0 950.0 5894.5
7 The M of C Dorset 981.0 982.0 1000.0 995.5 971.0 961.0 5890.5
8 Wayne Hurlbert 965.0 983.0 990.0 994.0 987.0 971.0 5890.0
9 Kayizwan 994.0 976.0 981.5 973.5 965.0 994.0 5884.0